There are some foods that manage to be both comforting and hearty, yet elegant and sophisticated at the same time. To me, a good mushroom soup is one of those dishes that I’d be equally happy to order as a starter in a fancy restaurant, as I would be eating in front of the tv on an autumnal evening. I’ve tried and tested a lot of mushroom soup variations and is this is the best I’ve come to so far – it’s utterly yum!
The secret to this beautiful soup is a long slow caramelisation of the onions and dry sautéing the mushrooms, to unlock their maximum flavour. The combination of the intensely earthy flavours of mushrooms, sweet, umami-packed richness of black garlic and the herbaceous fragrance of sage makes this a truly cosy dish.
Read up on what dry sautéing is and the flavour benefits of it here. If you can’t get hold of black garlic then substitute with ordinary garlic instead and sweat it at the same time as the onions. I would say though that using black garlic really adds to the charm of this soup, giving it another layer of intrigue and layer of flavour. Swot up here on what black garlic is and how to use it in other recipes.