Add some extra tang and probiotic value to traditional clotted cream. This clotted cream has all the rich, creamy qualities of traditional clotted cream, but has an extra tang and probiotic value thanks to the Kefir addition. The heavenly stuff is super simple to make, just requires a bit of patience.

Cultured Clotted Cream
by pompom1993

Cultured Clotted Cream
servingsClotted cream made using kefir for adding tang and probiotic value.
2 cups full fat cream
1 tbsp fermented Kefir
- Preheat your oven to 80°C . Pour the cream into a shallow casserole dish or glass baking dish. (The cream should only come up the sides about 1-2 inches. The key here is to have a lot of surface area.) Place the cream in the oven for 12 hours, uncovered.
- After heating for 12 hours, the cream will develop a skin. Carefully remove the dish from the oven and let it cool to room temperature. Once cool, cover the dish and refrigerate it for 8 hours (or overnight again).
- After chilled, gently skim the thick layer of clotted cream from the surface, leaving the thinner liquid behind. (It will feel like you’re pulling a layer of slightly softened ice cream from the top of a layer of milk*. The skin in fine, it will soften as it is mixed into the cream.) Gently stir Kefir into the skimmed clotted cream to create a smooth texture.
Try serving clotted cream alongside one of my favourite cakes – a devious Flourless Almond & Orange cake.